Photobiomodulation (also known as red light therapy) Promotes Health and Wellbeing
Dr. Keith Marshall and I share a mission:
to make red light therapy accessible to all — starting with our own patients!
To experience a red light therapy treatment in a full-body NovoTHOR® bed, please contact us at or 929.390.1940
For more information about Next Level Therapeutics, visit our website AcuLaser.Org.
Visit the website to read about the NovoTHOR® bed top of the line, best-in-class machine,
Just a few of the recent peer-reviewed evidence-based research studies available from the National Institute of Health website using the search term photobiomodulation:
Brain Photobiomodulation Therapy: a Narrative Review.
…using red to near-infrared (NIR) light is an innovative treatment for a wide range of neurological and psychological conditions. ...
Photobiomodulation in promoting wound healing: a review.
…inducing wound healing by illuminating wounds with light emitting diodes or lasers. ...
Photobiomodulation and Cancer: What Is the Truth?
…rapidly growing approach to stimulate healing, reduce pain, increase athletic performance, and improve general wellness. ...
Photobiomodulation Therapy for Wound Care: A Potent, Noninvasive, Photoceutical Approach.
The basics of lasers, light-emitting diodes, and light-tissue interactions as they apply to photobiomodulation therapy.
Photobiomodulation and the brain: a new paradigm.
Transcranial photobiomodulation (PBM) also known as low level laser therapy (tLLLT) relies on the use of red/NIR light to stimulate, preserve and regenerate cells and tissues. ...
Photobiomodulation in Oral Medicine.
… about the photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT) dental treatment protocols in oral medicine based on validated clinical studies…
Photobiomodulation in human muscle tissue: an advantage in sports performance?
…the use of red or near-infrared (NIR) light to stimulate, heal, and regenerate damaged tissue. ...
…photobiomodulation devices to treat androgenetic alopecia has rapidly expanded, and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recently cleared many devices for this purpose…
Photobiomodulation: lasers vs. light emitting diodes?
… treatment method based on research findings showing that irradiation with certain wavelengths of red or near-infrared light has been shown to produce a range of physiological effects in cells, tissues, animals and humans…
Photobiomodulation via multiple-wavelength radiations.
Photobiomodulation via a combination of different radiations can produce different effects on biological tissues, such as cell proliferation and differentiation…